Support NCCS

Giving is a part of our worship to God. It has been said that you can tell nearly everything about a person by the way they spend their money. Whether you are tithing in obedience to Malachi 3:10 or contributing over and above your tithe as an act of sacrificial generosity, your money will help us minister God’s hope and healing to our community and beyond.

When you give to NCCS, your gift changes the life of a student either directly, through tuition assistance; or indirectly, by providing learning opportunities that they would not have experienced without your donation. We thank you for your generous donation. 

How can you support NCCS and our mission?

By clicking on the MAKE A DONATION button below, 

  • it allows you to choose where you want your money to be used: Tuition Assistance Fund, STEAM initiative, or Annual Fund. Check out the NCCS Wish List below.

  • it provides you a way to give your gift safely and securely online - this is one of the easiest ways to give to NCCS. 

If you have any questions about giving, please contact our Development Office.

How ever you give, NCCS thanks you.

NCCS Wish List

Tuition Assistance

The cost of tuition is an obstacle for many families who desire a Christian education for their child. Through the NCCS need-based tuition assistance program, provided with contributions from donors like you and organizations like Emerson, we are able to assist these families and make an NCCS education a reality for their children.


Debt Reduction


NCCS has been blessed with a beautiful 14 acre, 9 building campus, but along with that comes the responsibility of maintenance. One of our current strategic goals is to eliminate this debt by 2023.  This will free up approximately $200,000.00 per year that can be utilized to complete some of our other strategic priorities such as facility updates.

Debt Reduction

Campus Improvements


Our strategic improvement plan includes campus improvements, including technology/infrastructure upgrades, renovation of classroom spaces, renovation of our gymnasium, and other projects to modernize our campus and provide spaces that effectively serve the needs of our academic and extracurricular programs.

Technology Infrastructure Upgraded

NCCS Local Giving

North County Christian School

NCCS believes in creating opportunities to serve and bless our local St. Louis community. We support our community with giving to Operation Christmas Child, collecting food for our local food bank, singing at the local nursing homes and collecting items for the homeless. These opportunities enable us to do the work that God has called us to do in our local community.

NCCS Global Giving

North County Christian School

When Jesus commissioned his disciples before His ascension, He said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

At NCCS, we take this command of making disciples in all nations very seriously. Throughout the year, different classes will choose a global mission to support and then collect offerings to bless them with. Many of our students have served globally for short term service while others have dedicated their life to the Great Commission calling, all over the world.