Our Mission
Investing in Eternity, One Student at a Time.

The mission of North County Christian School is to work in partnership with the family and church to provide excellent education rooted in Biblical truth and to nurture students as they:
Embrace a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,
Discover their God-given gifts,
Seek His plan for their life, and
Serve Him with their mind, body and spirit.

Our Vision
It is our vision that our students will acquire wisdom, knowledge, and a Biblical worldview as evidenced by a lifestyle of character, leadership, service, stewardship, and worship.

Our Philosophy of Education
Our philosophy of education is a theology of education, because it is built on Biblical principles. Pertinent passages of Scripture are Deuteronomy 6:5-7, Ephesians 4:11-16 and Romans 12:1-2.
According to Deuteronomy 6:5-7, all education, and especially Christian education, begins in the home. Parents are the primary developers of a child's education. This responsibility cannot be taken from them, nor can they give it away.
Ephesians 4:11-16 teaches that God has given some the gift of teaching. Their responsibility is to "equip the students for works of service." They do not take the parents' place, but become a "para-parent" for the students.
Our ultimate goal in Christian education is found in Romans 12:1-2. This Scripture enables us to help the students be transformed by the renewing of their minds, so they will be able to test and approve what God's will is for them. This renewing is always based on a student's submission to the lordship of Jesus.
The academic standards of North County Christian School are secondary to the primary responsibility to educate children in light of Scripture, according to our faith. This does not mean that academics are of little importance. We have a higher academic standard than many schools, because Christians should exemplify only the highest standards.
We trust you will find the education at North County Christian School the best available to you and your family. We are constantly improving our educational programs. Our hope is that together we can increase in knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual growth.
North County Christian School
A story of God's amazing faithfulness.
North County Day School, now known as North County Christian School, was founded in 1962 by Rev. Udell G. Moss in Ferguson, Missouri. The North County community was growing and the public schools were overflowing with five-year-old children. The Ferguson Church of the Nazarene, where Rev. Moss ministered, agreed to start a kindergarten in the basement of their church building. They started with one teacher, twelve students, and two automobiles used as buses.
In 1966, the church and school moved to 1309 N. Elizabeth Avenue in Ferguson, Missouri, where they were able to add a daycare and expand the elementary through third grade. All remaining grades were added during the following nine years, resulting in the first graduating class of four students in 1977. Growth demanded that an additional educational building be built, and eventually two modular buildings were added. NCCS soon occupied every available space that the Ferguson Church grounds offered, and again it was time to expand.
After several months of seeking God’s direction and plan, on July 8, 2004, NCCS purchased a campus at 845 Dunn Road in Florissant, Missouri. This was a huge step of faith for a Christian school solely supported by tuition payments. Within 50 days, five of the eight buildings were cleaned, painted, and renovated so that grades 1-12 could move in. By August of 2005, two more buildings were completed, allowing the preschool and kindergarten to move to the new campus. In 2007, they were able to purchase the remaining soccer field and parking lot to complete the campus. The 14-acre campus will allow NCCS to grow to almost 1,000 students. NCCS is thankful for its past and looks forward to what God has ahead. 2012 marked fifty years that NCCS has served the North County community.