To check your student's grades, assignments, or to contact teachers, log into your TeacherEase account.
To participate in our Scrip Program, click here.
Hello our wonderful parents, grandparents, and guardians! Below you will find everything you need to make sure your child's education is in order. If you have any trouble or have any questions, please call our office at 314-972-6227 and we will be happy to assist you.
To check your student's grades, assignments, or to contact teachers, log into your TeacherEase account.
To participate in our Scrip Program, click here.
Go to TeacherEase to check your lunch balance and the current week's lunch menu
You can make a payment for tution and other fees in our Administration office via cash, check, or money order. You can also pay online using debit, credit, or an e-check.
Google Classroom is a means of keeping you and your student updated on what is going on in class. To access your student's Google Classroom site, please click here. If your student's class is not represented, please consult your student's teacher on the status of their Google Classroom site.